Brought to you by best-selling author & conditioning coach,

Joel Jamieson

Bliv PEAK4EVER ekspert

Bliv uddannet til at lave de mest unikke træningsprogrammer, tests og analyser for udholdenhedsatleter

 P.E.A.K mastermind certificering

Udviklet af Mads Tærsbøl for topmotiverede individer. For dig som vil lære ALT om træningsfysiologi, træningsprogrammering, fysiologisk testning, og hvordan du kan tage atleters niveau til næste step. Lær om de processer, som sikrer resultater gang på gang. 

Der åbnes op for pladser 2 gange årligt. For at sikre fuldt fokus på dig er der et begrænset antal pladser, så du får mest muligt ud af din investering. 

  “Jeg har basal forståelse omkring udholdenhedstræning, og kan lave programmer, men er i tvivl om jeg gør det rigtige, og hvordan jeg sikrer de bedste resultater…..jeg mangler noget”



Sådan siger 9 ud af 10 af mine klienter (centrer)

De mangler viden om

energisystemer, periodisering, bloktræning, polariseret træning, tærskeltræning, nedtrapning og meget mere. Er det også noget du har brug for?

Har du oplevet at det er en jungle at navigere i hvad som virker, hvordan det virker, og om det er nødvendigt? Hemmeligheden er, at det er et helt andet spørgsmål som skal besvares: “På hvilket tidspunkt giver det mening, og hvordan ser atletens fysiologi ud?” (se optagelse om dette)


Jeg har hjulpet utallige atleter, konsulteret med top professionelle trænere, holdt oplæg og kurser med hundredevis af spørgsmål, og et klart mønster har vist sig:

Mange føler sig kompetente i generel træningsprogrammering.

De fleste har:

  • En grundlæggende god viden
  • En basal forståelse for træningslære og praksis
  • Viden omkring deres atleter
  • Men de føler sig forsat ikke helt sikre på, om det de gør er optimalt

……men når det kommer til at individualisere træning, bruge data til at optimere træning, samt analysere atletens behov, så er der et kæmpe uforløst potentiale og mangel på næste niveau af (ekspertise/kompetence).

De tre fejl de fleste begår:

1. Den samme træningsmodel til alle

2. Træning ud fra hvor de vil hen

3. De træner for hårdt og provokerer setbacks i stedet for fremgang


Faktum er:

Der er en helt anden vej. Sandheden er at du kan peake forever (kursiv) Ved at anvende regelmæssig testning, se på in . 

(leg med sætningen)

og det lærer du på uddannelsen til  PEAK4EVER ekspert.

(At individualisere træning er vigtigt for både eliteudøvere, men også for supermotionister, som ønsker at få det optimale ud af den tid og energi, som de investerer på daglig basis. Det sikrer den størst mulige return of investment.) KAN INDSÆTTES længere oppe.

En kort historie om dette vil jeg herunder dele (case med person eller mig selv med billede):

Jeg vil guide, hjælpe og udfordre dig, så du bliver top kompetent til at analysere, opbygge træning og bruge testning til din fordel. Du bliver blandt de 0.1% bedste toptrænere i Danmark, og sikrer resultater…hver gang!

(skal lave min historie her)


Every year, I host a free workshop in Seattle that’s only open to Certified Conditioning Coaches. People come from all over the world and one of the questions I always ask is why they decided to take the leap and join the program.

A lot of coaches tell me that they joined because they wanted to improve their ability to write better conditioning programs. But story from a coach named Flex (yes, that’s his real name) from New York really struck me as particularly powerful and important…

Flex is like a lot of coaches out there.

He knew he wanted to help people close to him (and he knew he needed to help himself first), but he recognized that he didn’t have the knowledge or the skills that it was going to take. This is exactly what got me into conditioning in the first place too.

I had some of the best mixed martial artists in the world coming to train with me and I didn’t want to let them down. I had to dig in and understand everything I could about conditioning.

They were counting on me to deliver results. Their careers depended on it.

Flex’s story also left me thinking about my own family and friends and how important they are to me—and how I’d do anything it takes to help them get and stay healthy.

That’s exactly what conditioning can do. It’s not just a game-changer, it’s a life-saver.

A lot of coaches and trainers think that conditioning is only for high-level athletes. But it’s simply not the case. EVERYONE needs better conditioning.

Unfortunately, there hasn’t been a lot of useful or practical information out there. Until now.

Vil du også være blandt de få, som er toptunede til at forstå data, opbygge træning og lave 100% individualiserede løsninger?

Mit navn er Mads Tærsbøl, og jeg har siden helt ung brugt alle døgnets vågne time til at tilegne alt den viden omkring træningslære, testning og restitution, som overhovedet muligt. Min erfaring dækker en bachelor i idræt og kandidat med fokus på præstationsoptimering og elitesport, mere end 500 fysiologiske test af både Olympiske guldvindere, verdensmestre og motionister, et utal af oplæg omkring Peak Human Performance, samt mine mange atleters resultater. Min tilgang til træning, optimering og restitution er dertil anvendt af forbund, teams og individer frem til VM og OL.

Jeg får ofte spørgsmål, beskeder og opkald ala de her:

  • Hvordan kan jeg bedst analysere mine atleters data, og individualisere deres træning?
  • Hvordan vælger jeg den optimale periodisering og intensitetsdistribution?
  • Hvad er forskellen på at lave træning for motionister og eliteatleter?
  • Hvordan kan jeg monitorere om de adapterer til træningen?
  • Kan jeg individualisere træningen i gruppe/team settings?

Spørgsmålene er yderst relevante, og svarene vil hjælpe dig med at få mest muligt ud af din, og dine klienters, dyrebare tid, så DU kan skabe de bedste resultater. Af den årsag har jeg besluttet, at lave en unik uddannelse omkring ALT det jeg har brugt størstedelen af mit liv på. En mulighed for dig, som vil være blandt de bedste, og ikke gætte dig frem. For dig som vil flere niveauer op i din ekspertise.

P.E.A.K mastermind – Certificering for dig der går hele vejen

Uddannelsen med den mest dybdegående, lærerige og unikke viden for trænere, behandlere, “nørder” og atleter, som vil være blandt de 0.1%.

   Sådan skaber du vedvarende og imponerende resultater

Tag uddannelsen og bliv 100% kompetent til at analysere træning, opbygge træning, anvende fysiologisk træning til din fordel, samt individualisere og forstå individet foran dig – Uanset om det er olympiske atleter eller dedikerede motionister.

Få de bedst mulige resultater – Øg din viden – Bliv blandt de bedste indenfor dit felt

Igennem uddannelsen vil jeg hjælpe, guide og lære dig alt du skal vide indenfor fysiologi, træningslære og testning.

Lær hvilke interventioner der virker bedst, hvordan du anvender dem, og hvordan du får det optimale udbytte

Når du har denne forståelse, så er hver beslutning du tager baseret på data – og ikke estimater.

Bliv efterspurgt indenfor Peak Human Performance -På teoretisk og praktisk niveau.

Vi vil ikke bare berøre emnerne, men dykke ned i dem, og forstå hvordan det hele hænger sammen. Hvordan muskler, kredsløb, nervesystemet og biomekanikken kan manipuleres til at performe optimalt, og hvordan det hænger sammen, så du kan blive blandt de skarpeste indenfor feltet. (KORT DENNE NED)

   Bliv kompetent til at kunne løse udfordringer for alle, og oplev din business vokse, og din ekspertise nå nye højder.

Når du får forståelse for de fundamentale principper, så kan vi dykke ned i det specifikke – og derigennem vil du få adgang til de værktøjer du skal bruge, for at skabe de bedste resultater. Disse aspekter vil du blive klædt på til at forstå og anvende på alle typer atleter.(KORT NED)

Få direkte adgang til en eksklusiv privat Facebook gruppe – Kun for PEAK….uddannede.

Denne gruppe er nøglen til yderligere fordybning, til faglige diskussioner, webinarer og eksklusiv adgang til den nyeste viden, og reflektioner, omkring at præstere på højeste plan.


Få dit unikke P.E.A.K. Mastermind certifikat.

Når du har deltaget til undervisningen, indleveret din opgave, samt interageret til undervisningen vil du skulle til en endelig eksamen, for at bevise at du har forståelse for uddannelsens indhold, og kan bruge denne viden i praksis.

Join the free Insider’s List—and save $200.

To make sure that every coach gets the help they need, I only open the certification twice per year. Also, to reward those who are serious about continuing their education, I offer a $200 discount to any coach who joins my Insider’s List. Everyone else pays full price.

I was confident with my knowledge before — but this course gave me a MUCH better lens to view programming and the whole concept of conditioning. Joel’s certification was incredibly thorough, from training methodology and practical examples to using the correct tools and learning how to program on both a micro and macro cycle.


Joel is the best of the best — he ensured I understood the foundational principles of conditioning and how to program it more effectively. After finishing the course, I started to assess, test, and measure my clients’ progress way more efficiently. Plus, based on what I learned, my own training has improved better than I could have imagined.


I work with team sports athletes and wanted to learn how to write better programs and smoothly transition from one phase to the next. From Joel’s certification, I got a better understanding of how to structure everything. I feel like I’ve grown tremendously in terms of understanding the application of not only specific methods but also when to utilize them.
But perhaps my biggest results have come personally. After the certification, I began tinkering with my own training program. I can’t thank you enough for all that your methods have done for me. I feel stronger, more powerful and more durable than ever before.


Er P.E.A.K Mastermind det rigtige valg for dig?

På uddannelsen kommer vi ikke til at bruge krudt på popsmarte idéer, men vil gå i dybden med det som virkeligt rykker og som skaber vedvarende resultater. Vi vil anvende den nyeste viden, og forstå hvordan teori og praksis hænger sammen. 

Du bliver super skarp på “hvorfor”, “hvad” og “hvornår” en given træningsstrategi skal anvendes – Hele P.E.A.K uddannelsen vil centrere sig om de tre kerneområder, så du kan effektivisere og optimere din praksis.

– og få konkrete værktøjer til at peake for ever.

P.E.A.K Mastermind er ikke for alle – Det er for dig som er topmotiveret og som bliver tændt af de muligheder du får personligt og prof()essionelt.

The BioForce Conditioning Certification is not for you if:

You’re not a coach or you haven’t started training anyone yet

Look, I think investing in your education is a smart move, no matter where you’re at in your career. However, if you’re just starting out, I’d encourage you to work with a few clients first.
Figure out if you enjoy being in this field. Education comes from learning through certification courses like this and from the real-world experience. Start there first and I’ll be here to help you when you’re ready for the next step.

You’re just interested in collecting certifications

Certifications are valuable because they show that you’ve put in the work. Your certificate communicates to your colleagues, your clients, and to yourself that you took the necessary steps to further your education. That’s important. However, a piece of paper is meaningless on its own.
Nothing in the BioForce Conditioning Certification is going to work for you if you don’t put it into practice. So please don’t invest in this if you’re just gonna add a new certification to your wall and not apply what you learn.

You’re set in your ways and not ready to learn a new approach to training

If you have a training system you’ve been using for years and you’re not ready and open to trying a new approach to conditioning, then the certification course probably isn’t for you. I designed the course to teach coaches a completely new way of looking at conditioning from the ground up.
If you’re not ready to challenge yourself to think outside the box and you aren’t open to trying new strategies and methods, then the certification course probably isn’t a great fit.

The BioForce Conditioning Certification is right for you if:


You’re a dedicated coach that’s committed to being at the top of the field

If you’re someone who takes pride in your work and is always striving to become a better coach, the BioForce Conditioning Certification was made for you.
Throughout my entire career, I’ve believed that there’s always more to learn — which is why I’m always learning and connecting with coaches and experts I respect. Knowledge is power and that’s why hundreds of coaches have come to me to learn how I coach conditioning.


You want practical training strategies you can put to use

Sure, we’ll dig into the theory and dive deep into the science behind energy systems development, the relationship between the body, brain, environment and more. The theory is hugely important, but the true focus of the certification is the practical application.
That means I’ll give you all the tools, training methods and templates that you need in order to feel 100% confident in your ability to write and coach successful conditioning programs that work for anyone.


You want an online, self-paced course to work through on your own time

If you want to sit down and binge-watch a dozen videos at a time, that’s fine. If you want to watch one video a day, that’s fine too.
If you go on vacation or just get busy and don’t watch anything for a couple of weeks, no problem. No pressure, no deadline.
I understand that life is busy and I designed the course so you can go at your own pace on your own time. The material will be there for you whenever you’re ready for it.

Just ask them: What other fitness professionals say

I only open doors to the BioForce Conditioning Certification twice per year. Recently, I asked my students why they decided to join. Here’s what some of them had to say:

Din investering

To maintain a high-quality experience and ensure all my students get the attention they deserve, I only open doors to the BioForce Conditioning Certification twice per year.

The public price is $97 per month for 12 months.

But to reward the people who are serious about continuing their education, I offer a $200 discount to any coach who joins my free Insider’s List.

The #1 Rated Conditioning Certification

Save $200 and get the chance to register early. Space is limited. No obligation.

Frequently Asked Questions

My Guarantee

Try The BioForce Conditioning Certification for a full 30-days, 100% risk-free.

Let me tell you why I offer this guarantee:

My entire business is built on getting results for people—whether it’s my fighters, my football players, or the thousands of fitness-industry professionals who read my work every day.

Helping people get results and become better is the main reason why I’ve had any level of success in this industry. It’s why top sports teams and influential companies want my help. It’s why hundreds of thousands of people visit my blog every year.

That’s why I guarantee the BioForce Conditioning Certification.

It’s simple: Take the course and see for yourself. If it doesn’t help you become a better coach, email me and I’ll refund you 100% of the price. You can even keep the workbook.

This guarantee covers you for a full 30 days, which means you can go through the entire course and decide for yourself whether or not it was worth your investment.

My goal is to help you become 100% confident in your ability to write and coach successful conditioning programs—and I fully believe The BioForce Conditioning Certification will help get you there.

How will you become a better coach today?

You’ve already shown that you’re the kind of coach who does whatever it takes to stay at the top of the field. (Let’s face it: most personal trainers are not reading this page right now.)

I know you care not just about your career and education, but also about your clients. You wouldn’t be in this field otherwise.

We all want to do our best, but in my experience most coaches have an uncomfortable knowledge gap when it comes to conditioning. It’s time to fix that.

In the BioForce Conditioning Certification Course, I’ll give you everything you need to know in order to feel 100% confident in your own ability to write and coach winning conditioning programs.

Think about what this would mean for you and your business:

  • Work with athletes? They’ll begin performing at their highest level, able to go longer and harder than ever before—and hardly able to believe it.
  • Work with general population clients? They’ll actually look forward to their cardio sessions and start being more consistent with their training, in and out of the gym. Plus, they’ll be better protected from cardiovascular disease and live a better life because of it.

Imagine what it would feel like to become the go-to expert in your area and attract new high-level clients.

Imagine what it would feel like to get reliably better results and retain your current clients for longer.

Imagine being able to affect people on a deep level and literally transform their life—all while growing your business and reputation.

It’s all possible. And it could be your next step.

If you’re just starting out in this industry, I encourage you to pass on the BioForce Conditioning Certification for now and instead start building more experience in the trenches. I’ll be here for to help when you’re ready.

But if you’ve been in this industry for while, you owe it to yourself and your clients to continue your education and learn everything you can about conditioning.

I’m ready to teach you. But the next step is yours.

Joel Jamieson

The BioForce Conditioning Certification is only open to new students twice per year. Join the free Insider’s List below to save $200 on the certification and get the chance to register early.

Join the Conditioning Certification Insider’s List

By joining the insider’s list now, you’ll save $200 and get the chance to register before the next course opens again to the public.

Space is limited. Spots only open twice per year.

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